Hi, I’m Prestley and I’m the third dog in my house. I couldn’t have a more loving home, but getting me was a careful decision that mommy and daddy made. Bringing me home, they also took some steps to make sure that I would be accepted in the home and that my brothers would get used to me without them becoming too jealous or me becoming too overwhelmed.

Since I was so tiny, at only 1.5lbs when I came home, mommy was even more careful introducing me into the home. Ripley, the smaller of my brothers was over 10 times my size then so she was worried that we’d start playing too roughly and I would get hurt. It was nice of her to think about me that way, but doesn’t she know that I’m tough?
Anyway, if you’re a new puppy or dog coming to a home that has other pets, especially dogs, here are some things that I really found helped me settle in.
- Having your own personal space – all of us have crates and when I first came home, mommy moved mine around the house so I could have some quiet time in mine. It helped the other dogs get used to having a puppy around again and gave them a break from me. I always want to play, but the big dogs are much older and sometimes get annoyed with me when I won’t stop jumping on them. Mommy says letting them see me in small doses at first helped them learn patience and get to know me gradually.
- Supervised play time – when we all got to play together when I was still new in the house, mommy kept a close eye on me and on the others. Riley and Ripley are used to playing together and they know the ground rules. As we played, mommy would tell me and them when one of us was playing too rough or if we weren’t being nice. It taught them how to play with a dog so tiny, and taught me how to get on their nerves a little bit less! Now we have all kinds of fun together!
- Group walks – since I needed leash training, mommy did and still does sometimes take me for a walk on my own. But as soon as I was ready to walk, she started taking me out with my big brothers. She said it helps to bond us as a pack, and now I feel kind of lonely if I’m not walking with them.
- Seeing the new dog last – I don’t like this rule, but because I have a more dominant personality and I’m the newest, I’m the last to get everything. When mom or dad come home, or guests come in, they all pet me last. I’m also the last to be let out of my crate, and the last one to get food. It’s okay though, because I know it’s an important part of making sure the other dogs accept me and aren’t jealous of me.
If you’re new to your house, you might not like all of the rules and tips above, but it will make for a happier home for you and your new furry siblings!
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thanks for your share
i love dogs so much
I just love this post it’s so personal and friendly. The four points that you offer about how Prestley settled in are excellent as they are applicable to any new dog, but unfortunately these suggestions are not always followed, which can then create behaviour problems further down the line. Looks like all the family get on well! Really love the look and feel of your blog, will be visitng regularly