According to his mom, Bart sometimes like to just veg out to a good pet podcast. I’m dying to see a picture of him with headphones! Since Bart likes podcasts so much, his mom and I thought we’d put together a list of his favorites. After she managed to get him to “give” the information (she says he’s better with “giving” up balls), she passed it on to me for a write up.
Being a dog, Bart always love hearing dog stories and information, but sometimes it’s also nice to hear about birds, cats, fish, and other pet creatures. When Bart’s in the mood for variety, he tunes in to PetLifeRadio where experts in all sorts of pet related things share their wisdom. One of his favorites is Alive Again where they discuss animal reincarnation. Bart hopes he and his mom will have many more lives together as this pet podcast seems to indicate.
Bart also really enjoys Awesome Advocates on PetLifeRadio. Each show they talk to someone who’s helping to rescue animals and prevent unnecessary euthanasia. Sometimes it’s an animal rescue organization and other times it’s a volunteer or a passionate individual. They all make such a difference for homeless pets – Bart loves hearing about them.
BlogTalkRadio is another favorite pet podcast. They’ve got experts in everything pet related. From tips and suggestions for pet-parents-to-be to trainers, veterinarians, and even psychics. Bart’s not sure about the psychic thing, but the shows are fun anyway. Bart even learned about chickens from one of their shows! He still thinks they look fun to chase, but since he understands more about them, he’s promised he won’t do it.
Bart think they have unique way of speaking since they’re based in Toronto, Canada, but he loves the Animal Voices Podcast where they advocate for animal protections and living harmoniously. It makes him sad that some people kill animals for sport and hopes someday all animals can be rescued like he was…or at least feel safe in their wild homes.
Bart also just discovered a new pet podcast. He loves the humor and creative take The Pet Insider has. Host Warren Eckstein interviews celebrities, their pets, and covers animal rescue and other humane topics as well as funny “tails.” Bart wants his mom to go on the show and tell his story (shh…Bart told me that directly, his mom doesn’t know yet.)
Are there pet or animal rescue focused podcasts you like? Let us know!
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