Last week Cosmo the lab got a condition called “uveitis” Mommy had never heard of it but it was quite a scare and not uncommon
Author: Bart
Cute puppies for hump day
Leader Dog announces new navigation technology for the blind
The new Kapten PLUS unit creates the first truly affordable GPS solution tailored for the blind through Leader Dogs for the Blind
Two of my virtual colleagues
It’s Dog Bite Prevention Week!
4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year, and one in five dog bites results in injuries that require medical attention.
Animal lovers gathered at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue for a spectacular event that raised a record-breaking $865,000 for the animals in Seattle Humane Society’s care.
It’s mud season
Coalition to Unchain Dogs
The Coalition to Unchain Dogs has been helping chained dogs and their people since the spring of 2007. The Coalition is a new breed of animal welfare organization that believes in ‘rescuing dogs in their own backyard’ by assisting and focusing on the people.
81% of Americans consider dogs equal family members
A recent survey commissioned by Milo’s Kitchen™ Brand home-style dog treats, reveals that a whopping 81 percent of Americans consider their dogs to be equal members of the family, while 77 percent own up to talking about their pups as if they are a human family member.
Like to run?
Max is a 4 year old greyhound/husky available from the Alabama Animal Adoption Society. He’ll get you in shape for sure. (Remember, adopt don’t buy!)